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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

It's A Matter of Guts But I Actually Pulled It Off! (Real life Laugh trip story)

by: Christian Duran

I was sketching that time (senti mode) when my youngest brother (Ivan) entered the room and was excited to tell what happened in their class that day.

He said that in one subject, their teacher asked them the same question which was "Why did you choose your course." In my brother's case that course would be Management. The exact question was "Why Management?" The class members gave the usual replies.. "Because this is what my parents told me to take." "Because this is also the course of my older siblings.".... yadayada.. so on and so forth.

When it was my brother's turn, He stood up, look at the teacher straight to the eyes and uttered his answer ala John Lloyd Cruz style.. "Kasi eto ang sinisigaw ng puso ko." The class was then bewildered in amazement and filled with laughter.

What?!!!!!!! Me and my other brother Raian can't help but laugh. Come on, you must be kidding me. I told him. "You have the guts to pull that off? I told Ivan." We just laughed and ate our pizzas afterwards.

People call it "cockiness" but I prefer calling it "sense of humor." I also have a funny experience with Management subject when I was in college. I was in 3rd year then and it was our first meeting with Prof. Ruben Gamala - our subject teacher.. All of us were instructed to stand and speak some random facts about ourselves..

You can say that some of my classmates wanted to leave an impression.. (They just don't know what I was thinking that time. hahaha) I was sitting at the farthest end of the room and was the last student to introduce myself. "I want it to be different. In other words, dramatic." I told myself. I asked my seemingly "retarded good friend" Arwin to help me with my gimmick. I told him to just translate in his own version the things that I will be talking.

I was quite skinny back then with "Korean hairstyle." You know, standing layered hair extensions at the side of the ears.. During that time I had my "genius look" eye glasses on. My glasses don't have grade.. I only wear it for me to look like some wiz kid. The timing was also perfect since I was wearing a shirt with "Korea" on it and the korean flag.

So, I stood up.. and said "anyong hanseo," the only Korean phrase I know. I then mixed it up with F4's "Can't Lose You Lyrics." "Mei you ni, wo hui shi shui. Xin ting zi na li. Do bu dui.. Na jin tian.. Ca dao zuo tian. Kong bai yi pian."

Sir Gamala was attentively listening. Arwin afterwards stood up and translated what I said as: "Hi, I am quite nervous to introduce myself cause it's my first class."

Sir Gamala really believed that I was Korean (my classmates giggled but they didn't show it.) So, Sir Gamala asked, What's your English name? Arwin repeated the question to me in his own "Korean supposed to be" language. I then answered "Christian."

Sir Gamala afterwards asked, "Where are you from?" He was referring about which part of Korea do I came from.. I then answered, "Siquijor sir." and the room errupted. Sir Gamala couldn't help but burst into laughter with flapping arms motion and jog in place action.

"You got me!" he exclaimed. And our first class meeting became a laugh trip session. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL^^ real guts you have! Hope that I could also have this some time... hahaha cool.